Applying gift codes (For patients) Use Gift Codes to automatically connect providers to your Care Team. This connection allows: Important documents and information...
Accepting referrals from a provider Access your Referrals page via OR Select the ‘Me’ tab Scroll to the Resources section Select Referrals Review the...
Viewing a Visit Summary After an Appointment with a provider, you will receive a Visit Summary with important notes from the appointment. In the...
Filling out forms, surveys, and screenings Forms, surveys, and screenings are assigned to your Timeline by a provider on your Care Team. To fill out a...
Creating a Birth Plan (For patients) After Adding a pregnancy to your Medical Profile, you can create a Birth Plan. Birth plans are optional....
Video call requirements and troubleshooting The following are some basic guidelines for getting the best quality of video while using the video calling or group...
Messaging your Care Team From your Mahmee dashboard, select the ‘Team’ tab. Select the icon at the top right of the screen. Then, select...
Viewing messages When you receive a new message from your provider, you’ll receive a notification by email or text. From your Mahmee...
Attaching a photo, video, or file to a message (For patients) You can attach a file in a message to your provider or a member of your Care Team....
Baby growth monitor (For patients) The baby growth monitor allows you to track your baby’s weight-for-age percentiles on the WHO growth chart. The...
Forgot password instructions How to sign-in with your registered phone number As a patient, you are able to sign in to your account...
Using the Kick Count monitor Knowing your baby’s patterns is a simple way to check your baby’s well-being and prevent stillbirth in the third trimester....